Highlight Trading experience in electronic voucher distribution
In January 2019 the company became a super distributor of Ethio telecom scratch voucher cards. In a period of one year Highlight Trading sold 169 million voucher cards (VC) with a value of around 2.1 billion birr. This accomplishment made it possible for the company to become an Ethio telecom partner of choice. Having successfully implemented the VC sales and planning to further expand its partnership with Ethio telecom, Highlight Trading entered into an agreement for the distribution of electronic airtime vouchers. So, in early 2020 the company started distributing digital airtime vouchers using 3050 EVD terminals, subsequently in one quarter i.e from January 2020 to June 2020 a total of 7 million digital airtime vouchers cards were sold. The value of these vouchers was 437 million birr. Highlight’s past performance demonstrates the company’s capacity to deliver on its targets and achieve set objectives. Highlight has consistently demonstrated successful performance and is able to forge lasting business partnership therefore, it is ready to create engage with new or existing businesses who wish to work in Ethiopia.
Electronic Voucher Distribution (EVD)
Electronic Voucher Distribution (EVD) is an application software that manages the online process of prepaid airtime top-up, it is generally used for printing and selling electronic airtime by retailors/agents. In Ethiopia, it has now been proven that EVD significantly simplifies the process of prepaid airtime recharge with a centralized control of information and real time reporting. It is saving valuable time that would otherwise be spent on logistics like printing, dispatching, and stocking, availability monitoring and tracking of recharge cards. The EVD application software, with its multiple options, improves operator efficiency, generates additional revenue, and provides well-organized services to the subscriber.

Why do you need to partner with us for voucher management system?
Financial institutions and retailors can partnership with Highlight Trading to:
• Facilitate B2B, B2C or C2B electronic voucher transaction arrangements.
• Reach the unbanked customers in providing the e-payment system.
• Avail utility payment for wide range of customers all over the country.
• Serve as a means of promotion and advertisement for the financial institutions or retailors brand and products or services.
• Give diversified options to customers to digital payment.
• Foster the user experience in e-payment system to contribute to financial inclusion goals.
Why Choose Us?
When you partner with our Company, our expert staff members take a C.A.R.E. approach to elevate our service to you.


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